JD Coaching and Consulting is seeking your response to the following survey in order to produce benchmark results regarding nonprofit board performance. The results of this survey will add to a framework to help boards attain higher performance.
Thank you in advance for participating.

How long will it take?
The survey should take you only a few minutes to complete. Five sections: Composition, Structure, Education, Engagement and Collaboration form the basis of the board performance questions. A final section asks about the organization and your role.
What if I serve on multiple boards?
Be sure to focus on one board experience (past or present) when providing your response. If you serve on multiple boards you are encouraged to take the survey more than once, as long as you keep your responses exclusively focused on one board experience for each survey you complete. If you've served on a board for an extended period of time, please focus your response on the current situation.
Who will see my responses?
All responses are confidential. Adsoka, the market research company handling the process, will only share summarized and correlating data with JD Coaching and Consulting.
Can I get the summarized results?
Yes. Following the survey there is an opportunity to provide your email address so summarized results can be shared with you. This is optional.
JD Coaching & Consulting is an organization-development firm that helps clients tap into their energy and creative talents to improve productivity and performance. Founder Jodi Davis is an executive coach, management consultant and author with 20 years of experience developing individuals, teams and organizations to their full potential. Learn more at http://www.jodidavis.com. |
Minneapolis-based Adsoka is a full-service marketing, design and communications agency. Adsoka builds customer-centered print, in person and online marketing solutions that produce enhanced results. Adsoka serves business-to-business, retail and nonprofit clients. The agency's integrated skills include branding, advertising, copywriting and public relations. Learn more at http://www.ADSOKA.com. |